Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thankfulness and a Broken Heart

It seems that so often these things go hand in hand.

My heart was broken when I went to Haiti, and yet I am so thankful that I went.
My heart breaks for my friends in Bangkok, yet I am thankful they are there and safe.
My heart breaks for my students struggling,yet I am thankful for the growth.
My heart breaks for friends who are mourning, yet I am thankful for your comfort.
My heart break each time I sin, and yet I am thankful for forgiveness.
My heart breaks for friends who have lost their job, and yet I am thankful that God has a plan, that they will have to depend on Him in new ways.
My heart breaks for Greece, yet I am thankful for the declining Euro.
My heart breaks at times in my singleness, yet I am thankful for God's overwhelming love.
My heart breaks for those who do not know that Love, yet I am thankful that I get to share it with them.
My heart breaks for my community, yet I am thankful for it in all of it's uniqueness.
My heart breaks for those who cannot move, and yet I am thankful that they are a living testimony of God's protection.
My heart breaks for the widows and widowers, yet I am thankful for their devotion.
My heart breaks for the homeless, yet I am thankful for their stories.
My heart breaks for so much, and yet I am thankful for all things for I know that God can and will use all things to bring Himself glory.


Brittany said...

If I got the gist of the class I just took, Henri Nouwen would say that every time our hearts break, we take a step closer to understanding God's heart and a step closer to getting a glimpse into who we really are. It seems appropriate that we recognize and give Thanks to God for the good when we are also heartbroken over the "bad". Thanks for your thoughts Trinity.

Sarah B said...

Thanks Trinity. My heart breaks for all Christ-followers who go to church service on Sunday, and leave lonelier than when they came. Are we being the church - really?